The stranger across from me.... I said Hey to.

"Hey!" I say as I walk up to a person that has been sitting next to me all day in the library. They look up as if perplexed by this new found human interaction. Perhaps, I have committed a faux pas by introducing my self in such a place. I blunder onward and say "I noticed you sitting there alone for a while. I was thinking that I may get some lunch. Would you care to join me or maybe you want me to bring you back something?" I await an answer that seems to take eons to come. I often wonder why it is so strange to talk to strangers. Maybe it is the mindset I grew up with,  but I like thinking that a stranger is only a friend I have yet to meet. Finally, after a few moments, they respond. "Umm, sure... I wouldn't mind going for some food." We walked to the dining hall of the college and ate our food as we discussed some hobbies. It turns out that we both like to hike. We talked about a hike we both like to make to a magical and fantastic place called College Camp. There is a wonderful apple tree that makes the sweetest apples you will ever have. After hiking for about 20 minutes through the woods those fresh off the tree apples become a precious commodity. "I'm glad we got to talking today. You seem like a cool person, maybe one day we can make the treck up together." I say as I start to clear the table. "Sounds like a plan!" We trade phone numbers and walk away together as new friends.
(Photograph from google maps:,-75.048962,3a,15y,327.49h,83.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRdCaKD4cZ5_B3N1yophdhg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0 )

perplexed - confused
interaction - a social experience between two people
faux pas - social mistake. acting out of the norm of society
blunder - mistake
eons - a long period of time
mindset - a way of thinking
commodity - a natural material used for trade
(SitePal avatar that speaks the vocabulary for you so you can hear it:
Grammar point:
This is told in a story form. There are two characters that converse with each other as designated by quotations.
Now as an active use these words in a paragraph of your own creation. Try to use as many adjectives as you can to enhance your story. Make sure you use qutoations in your writing to show dialogue.


  1. It gets a lot from someone to start talking to a complete stranger. Well, in my case. I love the grammar activity that you have created. Free writing can enhance imagination in students and it allows students to express and write about things that interest them and personal encounters. Excellent job!

  2. Marcos,

    I really like the vocabulary activity you included, how did you make and embed that? Maybe you can show me sometime. I think the matching is very appropriate for ELLs, and I like that you follow it up with a writing activity which included a grammar point. Also, that was very brave of you to invite a stranger to lunch. I wish more people were like that.

  3. Good entry! You have an interesting point of view abut strangers and probably make lots of friends because of it.


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